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Why Organic? Why Eat Right?

In this fast-paced modern world, when it comes to your meals, it is often tempting to prioritise convenience over health. However, especially in these circumstances the vast importance of an organic and healthy lifestyle cannot be stressed enough. Due to this, and discussions about the use of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics in conventional agriculture, more and more people are making the shift to the healthier and sustainable organic food choices. 

But what exactly are the benefits that organic products offer?

What is Organic Food?

Let’s first start by explaining what organic actually stands for. The tag of “organic” refers to the way and techniques with which the farmers grow the products. As aforementioned, the use of artificial fertiliser, pesticides and the likes are prohibited. On top of this, further down in the chain of production, other potentially harmful additives, like artificial flavours, colours or preservatives, are not in use. Other key elements are the preservation of natural resources and the welfare of animals. These regulations lead to benefits for both you and the planet!


Better Nutritional Value

Organic food can often prove more nutritious than conventionally grown food. Studies have shown that vitamin, mineral and antioxidant levels were increased in organically grown produce. For example organic tomatoes had higher Vitamin C and Phenolic compounds, which is an antioxidant that can protect your cells from harmful radicals. This increase in nutrients can partly be traced back to the soil. Organically treated soil is able to better maintain nutrients which then enhances the nutritional value of the crop grown on it.


Contributions to Fight Climate Change

Climate change is one of the, if not the biggest, issue we are facing and it’s no surprise that the agricultural sector is one of the main contributors in releasing greenhouse gases. With the use of Nitrous Oxide as a fertiliser for conventional farming and the deforestation for new farmland the agricultural industry accounts for nearly 30% of all yearly carbon emissions worldwide.

Again organic farming can be a solution to the pressing issue. Organically treated soil can actually sequester carbon and store it in the ground and regain farmland once lost to erosion.

Besides that, organic farming offers another advantage, it is more resilient to climate change. In this way organic fields yield more produce in extreme weather conditions like times of droughts or floods.


Free of Hormones and Antibiotics

In conventional farming, in order to maximise growth and to protect animals from diseases, hormones and antibiotics are used. These substances can have negative effects on human health. One prominent example is the development of antibiotics-resistant bacteria.

In contrast, these tools are prohibited in organic agriculture. This means that organic dairy products are free from all these harmful substances.


Reduced Exposure to Pesticides

Pesticides are one of the biggest concerns when it comes to conventional farming. These pesticides are intended to kill pests and weeds, but they can also harm humans and the environment, especially if not properly disposed of. Pesticides can enter the food supply through residue on fruits and vegetables or through contaminated soil and water.

The use of these synthetic pesticides are prohibited in organic farming, which helps to lower the risk of exposure to any kind of harmful chemical.

The same issue can happen with fertiliser as well, leading to contaminated groundwater and damage to the environment.


Improved Mental and Physical Health

Lastly, let’s touch on the importance of a healthy diet. The food that you consume has a direct impact on both your mental and physical health. If you eat a diet with a lot of processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats, it can lead to fatigue, brain fog, and depression.

In comparison, if you eat a diet that is rich in whole foods and nutrients it can improve energy levels, cognitive function, and overall mood. It can also help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

To conclude, choosing organic and healthy food options can have a significant impact on personal health and the environment. By choosing organic, we can support sustainable farming practices that are better for the planet and our health. By eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of whole foods and nutrients, we can improve our overall well-being and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. So next time you’re shopping for groceries, consider choosing organic and opting for healthier food options. Your body and the planet will thank you.


We grow vegetables, fruits and grains in Uttar Pradesh as well as collaborate with farmers from all over India to offer you 400+ authentic products.

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